BWC Photo of the Month
Photography is a big part of what makes the British Wildlife Centre so special, providing unique photo opportunities that would be very tricky to achieve in the wild. We love to showcase the photographic talents of our visitors. Photo of the Month displays the pick of our visitors’ photos through the year. Our Head Keeper, Matt will be selecting his favourite photo each month from the many sees, whether they are emailed in, on Flickr, Instagram or other social media sites.
For more details please visit the Keeper’s Blog
Fox by Steve Miller
Photo of the Year 2019 was awarded to Steve Miller, for his striking shot of Basil the fox (October 2019 Photo of the Month),
selected by professional photographer, Sean Weekly, who said:
selected by professional photographer, Sean Weekly, who said:
“It was a tricky one this year with a good strong 12 final images to look at. However, the winning image for me is the Licking Red Fox. This particular image stood out for me, it has a lot of impact. Technically the image is faultless with incredible sharpness throughout. I loved the eye contact and the catch lights drawing me into this full frame portrait. It’s not easy to get a full portrait like this at the centre so I know the challenges that this shot required.
The deciding factor for me was the fox licking its nose (I assume after the fox feeding). I love a bit of movement in a wildlife image as it really helps brings the picture to life and capturing the tongue has really made this a strong portrait for me.
It’s also shot from a low perspective at eye level which again adds to the intensity of the portrait.“